Area of Focus
CIMB Niaga was established as Bank Niaga in 1955. CIMB Group holds around 97.9% of the stakes in CIMB Niaga (including PT Commerce Kapital 1.02%). The Bank offers a comprehensive suite of both conventional and Islamic banking products and services, through an expanding delivery channel network of 919 network channels all over Indonesia as at 30 June 2015, including 563 branches, 271 Mikro Laju units (excluding 18 co-located), 65 cash/payment points (including 21 Digital Lounges) and 20 mobile branches. CIMB Niaga has 15,078 employees as at 30 June 2015.
CIMB Niaga consistently continue to innovate in the midst of competitive market. CIMB Niaga put customer centric approach to strengthen its positioning in Indonesia banking industry. And for that reason, CIMB Niaga introduced the new brand positioning ‘Inovasi dari Hati’ at the beginning of the year 2015.
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